Thursday, October 9, 2014

Friday Eve

So it is thursday, probably one of the hardest days of the made it through most of the week, however, you will have ONE MORE DAY to go, before the weekend.
And, remember school?  Friday was spelling tests and math tests, so thursday was always a night of studying (or at least trying to study ((or pretending to study))).
Double Ugh.
Trying to cheer myself up, i have changed it from Thursday to Friday Eve...Just saying the word Friday somehow makes the day better.
I am trying to make everything..happier...better - a more optimist outlook in my life.
I have always had the rule of not watching movies with unhappy endings.
I no longer read crime novels.
I now listen to books while cleaning - i love to read, i have to clean, this is the best of both worlds.
I burn a lot of happy smelling candles.
I turned a hallway into my happy place...full of pictures and silly things that make me smile (my Flutie bear and my sunshine bear always make me smile)
I have happy coffee mugs. Believe it or not, that does make a difference!  It is the perfect size, which is wonderful and it has a happy message, which is wonderful and i enjoy seeing it on my desk.
In every room in my house, there is something that makes me smile....if i am feeling down, i just look at - a picture, a plaque, a plant, something - that always makes me smile. 
Christmas/Chanukah is around the corner, i am sneaking in some items scattered about...getting excited about it.  All my gifts will be homemade, and making them is bringing a smile to my face.

And by doing this, i laugh more.  I drive my kids nuts with my cheerful attitude.  The things that normally drove me down don't see to affect me as much. 
Don't get me wrong, i still get exhausted, overwhelmed and moody, but now, i have arranged the world around me to lift myself up.
I put bible verses around my house that remind me that GOD IS ALWAYS here for me.  When i feel at my worst, i can count on Him to hold me, lift me up, or send someone in my path to do the work for Him.

It's funny how the smell of a candle, or a picture of my babies can make the whole world a better place.
I love you. 


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