Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Let me compliment you

I am often amazed at the lack of confidence we suffer from. We all seem unable to accept compliments, and when people give us a sincere compliment, we seem determined to pass it off~ like the person who gave it to us had no glue what they are talking about. When did it become wrong to accept a compliment? Does it, in your eyes, symbolize weakness? It is meant to symbolize strength, to point out something you do well and you are being raised up for that. Take the compliment, treasure it, and pass it on. Be proud your strengths are making a difference. Be an example to your children in how you accept it. Compliments are a great thing, accept them and hand them out often. I love you

Math scores down...really? wow, color me surprised.

All over the news today, anchors are talking about math grades for 4th and 8th graders are lower than they were in 1990.   So shocking is it, that the ticker tape on the bottom of the news programs are putting it right after breaking news.

And....we are surprised by this?  

When i went to school in the 70's and 80's, we had time off during the day, there always seemed to be one period where kids could talk to friends, read a book, catch up on homework.  Then there were the "easy A" classes, where you could just chill and enjoy (or write notes to pass to your friends between classes).  Gym was running around, playing games, yeah there were always the kids who hated physical ed, but for the most part, it was just a great way to work off the energy.   There was homework, often a ditto or two, some reading, but there was time after school to hang out with friends, walk on the beach (okay, not everyone had a beautiful glorious beach), and just chill.

I have four kids, so I have been watching the school system since about 1990 to the present.  

This is what I have seen -

No longer are there 7 periods, there are 4 very long blocks, where kids have to sit, pay attention, write notes and prepare for nightmare state testing.  Then, they come home and often have 2-4 hours worth of homework.  No, i am not kidding.  Apparently 90 minutes is not enough torture, they come home and have to do a lot of homework.  

Music went from singing and learning the difference of a flat and whole note, to choirs and competitions and district competitions.   One of my kids had surgery, so couldn't go to gym, and had to write a book report.  She couldn't sit and watch the class for the few weeks while she recovered, she had to write a book report to add to all the homework she missed before and after the surgery.  I remember when I broke my leg...i went to the library, read, did my work and the librarian taught me how to prepare new books for the shelves.

Now, instead of kids writing notes to each other and sharing in the halls, they are walking next to each other with their face in their phones, writing text talk, and playing games.  Kids don't go out and play and race around, they sit in front of the computer, tablet, phone, game station, and play violent games, becoming numb to the horrors of killing people (could that be the reason why the school shootings are becoming a common event?).

No fault to teachers, they do what they have to do to meet the requirements of the state, or risk being fired.   They no longer can be fun and creative and take a day off just to play with the kids...they have to focus on the standardized testing and their kids passing to make the school look great and get a banner outside proclaiming they are a passing school.

School has become a job for children.  Talk about abusing Child Labor often head to school at 7am, come home at 6.45 pm and still have homework to do. 

Because you can't just go to school, you have to do amazing extra curricular activities, or you won't get into a good college.  Having great grades is not enough, i saw a girl graduate top of her class, and not get any scholarships, because all she had was great grades, nothing else - no sports, church activities, volunteer, etc...just amazing grades.  Sorry, no scholarship for you!

Remember that Ziggy comic "STOP THE WORLD, I WANT TO GET OFF!"?  I feel like our kids are screaming that inside.  No more breaks and fun activities...just work until you drop, get up and start all over again. 

I am praying for our kids.  Praying that somewhere someone realizes we are forcing our babies to grow up before their time, and forcing schools to stop being fun and focuses on what the states demand.  I am praying for the parents, who are watching their kids fall apart in tears when they can't find a single ditto that they have to hand in or get an F which will force them to miss lunch and be forced to sit with the teacher and make up the ditto which will now only give them a B or C.    I am praying for the teachers, who went to college with dreams of touching children with the future and making a difference in the world and are instead broke and overworked, with classes bursting at the seams with so many students, not enough supplies, special needs kids not getting the help they need and spending money they barely have to buy supplies the school can't afford.

I love you.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Filled with...

Where is your heart today? Is it full of pain, because of events in your life? Stressed over your children, your marriage, your financial situation? Is it hurting, because someone hurt you? Is it heavy, because you just just worn down by your life? Your heart is in the very center of your being, and whatever it feels affects everything you do, everything you feel, everything. What you fill your heart with, it affects everything . If you fill your heart with hate, your body will be dragged down by the hate. If you fill your heart with sadness, you will feel sadness and misery all around you. You have to find a way to take the bad out of your heart, and fill it with the good. I find myself praying all time, praying for God to take the bad thoughts, the angry memories, the wicked temptations out of my heart and to replace them with His love, His forgiveness, His blessings. It isn't easy. So often, at times of weakness, those evil feelings slip in, and i have to fight to get them back out again. And i pray, and i pray. And i am thankful that He is a merciful God that doesn't judge me on my constant slips and sins, but He forgives me and gives me a chance to right myself back up. Pray, pray, pray and pray again. Lighten the load in your heart that is dragging you down right now. God loves you, i love you.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

don't second guess

Self doubt sucks. It holds you down, it makes you a prisoner of yourself. Even worse, people around you can encourage it with one word. No matter how many times you tell yourself “I am good, I am worthy, I am a wonderful child of God,” self doubt creeps in and suddenly, all those wonderful words go out the window, leaving you uncomfortable, insecure and unsure. You work on building yourself up again…and it starts all over again….the vicious circle. 
So how do we stop it, how do we stop that self doubt from creating in and destroying all we work so hard to build up.
One verse: “The LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being” (Genesis 2:7).
God’s breath is in us. His AIR runs through our veins. We are good, we are wonderful, we are fantastic, because we have His breath in us. I believe when a baby is born, brand spanking new, and they take that first gasping breath, it is Gods breath filling their tiny lungs..
And then, during a day of self doubt, I look in the mirror and say to me “I got God’s in me, I am GOOD.”

Thursday, October 1, 2015


You are afraid, worried that if you ask, the answer will be no. You don't want to go, because you are afraid of the answer. You don't want to try, because you fear the results. Fear is holding you back from going through with something that could be very important. You are afraid of the answer, you are afraid of what will come of it, you are afraid of being alone. That is not the way to be. What ever it is, you are not alone, God is with you, your friends are there, i am right here. We will all stand by you. The answer is something we can all handle. Yeah, it can be scary, or it can be weight off your shoulders. But you know you have to go, you know you have to answer, you know you have to try. Don't be afraid, we are here with you. I love you.