Thursday, November 13, 2014

Yeah, let's talk special needs.

Yesterday, I was asked if it was hard to raise a child with special needs and did i resent God for this situation. 

I was so shocked, at first i said nothing, but then i said "No, i think God must love me and trust me with one of his most wonderful blessings." and then i walked away.

But then i started thinking about it (Ever notice your best answers come after you walk away?).

Special needs?  One of my children has special needs?   And people feel the need to point that child out?
 No, each of my children have special needs -

Jenn, my oldest, has the need for one on one time with people.  She needs to be told when to slow down, and when she is pushing herself too hard.  She has moments when she falters, and she needs to be lifted up again with love and encouragement. She won't hesitate to push and push hard and may need to be reminded to take a deep breath. Oh my, she does have special needs.

Talina, well, she is a different story - she constantly needs to be reminded how incredibly wonderful she is.  She needs to be pushed when she falters, and she needs things around her that make her happy to keep her spirits up.  She needs affirmation and unconditional love at all times. about special needs.

Then there is my Nate, who this person was talking about.  Yes, he has autism, he also has a huge heart that he spreads around, wanting to take care of anyone who isn't feeling well or needs a hand.  He needs reminding to be patient and accepting, he needs someone to love and to tend to .   He needs to hear that he has done well, and he needs to be taught with an understanding hand.

And then there is my miracle, Ben.   Wow, talk about special needs.  He needs constant affirmation, constant love.  He needs to be hugged and needs to hug.  He needs help with organization and help limiting his activities so he doesn't get sick.  He needs reminding of patience and understanding and of brushing his teeth.

I should have asked that lady which special need child was she speaking of - and how her special needs children are.   Each child in this world has a special need, each one has something that sets them apart from others. 

I Thank God for His amazing love for giving me four kids that match the gifts He has given me.  Each child matches a gift i have, from pushing, to pulling, to convincing, to hugging, to affirm, to scold, to monitor, and to love.

I love you.

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