Wednesday, December 24, 2014

My Christmas Wish

I have been seeing on tv and on facebook and everywhere else, what everyone wants for Christmas....and so i was wondering...what do i really want for Christmas?


And that may seem simple, but it isn't.

Because you can't really laugh when you are hungry, so first, we would have to find a way to feed those all around us.   We would have to reach out - stop looking in the mirror and instead look out the window to see who is in need.  Bring groceries or money to the food bank, drop food off at a front door anonymously, help the kids during the holidays that count on free meals at school.

And stop bullying, because you can't laugh when you have been physically and emotionally pushed in the mud.  We would have to hold the bullies accountable for their behavior and make sure our words are loving, and positive.  We would have to open our eyes to the pain around us and DO something about it instead of walking away.

And stop loneliness, because you can't laugh alone.   Reach out when you see someone sitting alone at a restaurant, send cards to those you know don't have family or friends nearby.  Make a call and just listen to someone talk, and not try to fix them, just love on them.

The laughter list goes on, there are so many events, times, things that make laughter impossible.   My Christmas wish that that throughout the year, i find ways to make others laugh.   That i reach beyond my comfort zone, and work more for HIM and less for me, and bring happiness to those lacking the ability to laugh this year.

Yeah, that is my Christmas wish.

I love you.

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