Yesterday, while scrolling around on the computer, waiting for my next shift, i saw a headline "biggest photoshop fails" so i clicked to see what it was about. And my heart cracked.
The site was full of people trying to "improve" their body, and failing miserably. And i couldn't laugh, i just thought...jeepers, how sad. Girls thinning their waistline, men making their abs stand out, or giving themselves bigger muscles, girls enhancing this and removing one was happy with their body.
No one was happy with their body. How sad is that?
Years ago, God gave me a message. I was teaching bible study for middle schoolers and i was stunned with the nasty comments and the cutting down they were doing for each other. So i prayed, and i prayed, asking for help on how to tell them that it was wrong, cutting people and teasing and hurting...was against HIS will.
And HE gave me a message, which i showed to my students the following sunday.
First, i drew a picture and if anyone has seen my drawings, you are currently laughing, because I can't draw to save my life.
And in class, i showed the kids my picture and told them i drew a self portrait, what did they think? And they laughed. They laughed out loud, pointing at my picture and just roaring. So then, i said "Okay, but what are you laughing at? This piece of paper? Or are you laughing at me, because i drew the picture?" They all agreed they were laughing at me and how bad an artist i am. "Okay," i said. "So when you are laughing and making fun of another person, are you laughing at them, or are you laughing at the artist, who drew that person?" They said nothing. "Because GOD drew each and every person on this earth. He designed them, just the way He wanted them to be, with their red hair, or freckles, or long legs, or strange voice, or their hunchback. HE drew them...and if you are laughing at them, picking on them, teasing are making fun of GOD." The room was completely silent. "And how does that make you feel?" I finished. Several of them admitted they felt horrible. The following sunday, a few came up to me and told me they apologized to a classmate for their actions.
I wish that message could be shouted from the rooftops - GOD MADE YOU PERFECT!!
I know how hard it is, God didn't make me the stunning beauty i wanted to be. I was too heavy, too bland, freckles, straight boring hair...oh, and big feet. Now, at the ripe old age of 50, i see that physical beauty doesn't matter to those who love me. My true friends see me as a fun, pretty, loving person. My husband says i am beautiful (i know i look AMAZING when he doesn't have his contacts in). My children only see the love i have for them, and that makes me pretty in their eyes.
If i knew then what i know now...that those people in my life that mattered thought i was great, pretty and just fine. Those who weren't meant to be in my life saw what they wanted to see and found me lacking...and their opinion shouldn't have mattered so much to me.
To see kids photoshopping themselves to deformity, so sad. All i can do is pray that someone reminds them that God made them PERFECT in HIS eyes....and i ain't going to argue with God. I love you.
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