Dear The View,
I will be honest, I didn't watch your show when you were talking about the Ms. America Ladies, I actually heard about it first here, on Facebook, and then on several television shows.
I am sure you have been overwhelmed with angry responses, but i had to put in my 2 cents.
Several years ago, i was driving with my oldest daughter, who was at that time 20 years old, and in the SUNY Buffalo Nursing Program after becoming an EMT in high school and discovering she was really good at helping people.
We were on the lonliest highway in USA, going into Fernley, NV. Right in front of, we saw a car driving on the wrong side of the wrong, then a horrible head-on collision, a van vs a passenger car. Immediately, a man jumped out of the car and was yelling that it was the vans fault, he then ran into the sand, heading to a community Without hesitation, my daughter ran to the van, and saw a man in serious condition. She took charge. She stabilized his neck, addressed the wounds on his head and face, braced his arms, which were clearly badly broken, took vitals and gave me and two others orders on what to do to help this man. When the EMTS came 30 minutes later, she helped get him on the stretcher, gave them all the vitals and what she knew and helped them get in on the waiting helicopter.
The next day, the Chief of the Fire Dept came to our home to personally thank her for saving the Soldiers life. It turned out he was a pilot from the nearby Fallon Air Force Base. He made it clear that it was her work taking care of that young soldier that kept him alive.
Now, you might disagree, but i think anyone who can save someones life has an amazing talent. And i have seen nurses do it time and time again, including my daughter, several very close friends, including a nurse/friend who dragged a doctor from his lunch in the ER when my baby was close to death with RSV, and relatives.
They work 13 hour shifts without lunches or bathroom breaks. They hold hands when someone is leaving this world, and do CPR when a patient crashes. They can tell a doctor when a babies lungs are wheezing (with their OWN stethescope, which they pay for out of their own pocket).
I sincerely hope to hear an apology on your show. I hope you truly see how ignorant your comments were.
Because, i guarantee you, you are going to be in need of a nurse one day, and they hold the needles...and decide where your thermometer needs to go.
A very proud mom of a nurse,
Sharon Corner
awww thank you mom! this is beautiful