Friday, September 18, 2015

Share with 20 friends.....right.....not.

I just received yet another" pass this on for good luck,of you don't, bad luck will follow you. Wouldn't it be nice if it was that easy? To ensure a good day, forward a message to seven people...okay- Happy Time! Well, we all know those letters don't work, God, prayer and a little help from our friends, however, can turn a bad day to a very good day. On those days, and we have all had them, when it starts off bad and steadily gets worse...stop, pray, pray again, and then call a friend. Don't wallow in your misery, have a friend you can call on for a supportive word, a quick laugh, to plan a quick break. Don't let the misery take over, let God and a little help from your friends prevent a bad day from turning into a horrible day. And if you see someone having a bad day ~ a card, a hug, a cup of tea goes a long way. I love you.

PhotoShopping Gods Work

Yesterday, while scrolling around on the computer, waiting for my next shift, i saw a headline "biggest photoshop fails" so i clicked to see what it was about. And my heart cracked.
The site was full of people trying to "improve" their body, and failing miserably. And i couldn't laugh, i just thought...jeepers, how sad. Girls thinning their waistline, men making their abs stand out, or giving themselves bigger muscles, girls enhancing this and removing one was happy with their body.
No one was happy with their body. How sad is that?
Years ago, God gave me a message. I was teaching bible study for middle schoolers and i was stunned with the nasty comments and the cutting down they were doing for each other. So i prayed, and i prayed, asking for help on how to tell them that it was wrong, cutting people and teasing and hurting...was against HIS will.
And HE gave me a message, which i showed to my students the following sunday.
First, i drew a picture and if anyone has seen my drawings, you are currently laughing, because I can't draw to save my life.
And in class, i showed the kids my picture and told them i drew a self portrait, what did they think? And they laughed. They laughed out loud, pointing at my picture and just roaring. So then, i said "Okay, but what are you laughing at? This piece of paper? Or are you laughing at me, because i drew the picture?" They all agreed they were laughing at me and how bad an artist i am. "Okay," i said. "So when you are laughing and making fun of another person, are you laughing at them, or are you laughing at the artist, who drew that person?" They said nothing. "Because GOD drew each and every person on this earth. He designed them, just the way He wanted them to be, with their red hair, or freckles, or long legs, or strange voice, or their hunchback. HE drew them...and if you are laughing at them, picking on them, teasing are making fun of GOD." The room was completely silent. "And how does that make you feel?" I finished. Several of them admitted they felt horrible. The following sunday, a few came up to me and told me they apologized to a classmate for their actions.
I wish that message could be shouted from the rooftops - GOD MADE YOU PERFECT!!
I know how hard it is, God didn't make me the stunning beauty i wanted to be. I was too heavy, too bland, freckles, straight boring hair...oh, and big feet. Now, at the ripe old age of 50, i see that physical beauty doesn't matter to those who love me. My true friends see me as a fun, pretty, loving person. My husband says i am beautiful (i know i look AMAZING when he doesn't have his contacts in). My children only see the love i have for them, and that makes me pretty in their eyes.
If i knew then what i know now...that those people in my life that mattered thought i was great, pretty and just fine. Those who weren't meant to be in my life saw what they wanted to see and found me lacking...and their opinion shouldn't have mattered so much to me.
To see kids photoshopping themselves to deformity, so sad. All i can do is pray that someone reminds them that God made them PERFECT in HIS eyes....and i ain't going to argue with God.   I love you.

I hear YOU

This morning, God was practically yelling at me during my prayer time. Apparently, some of my friends need prayer for strength. Strength to get through the battles they are now facing, some are short term, some are long term, but it is making for stressful nights and miserable days. God knows what you are going through and He wants you to know HE IS HERE. I found myself looking up the lovely story FOOTPRINTS, remember that? Where God carries the person during their time of need, during the tough and most stressful times....He is carrying you. He is holding you, hold your hand, holding your family in His strong arms. You are not alone. He is there. So am i. I love you.

No improvement necessary

This morning, when I looked in the mirror, I was horrified at what I saw. What happened to the young woman who used to look back at me? Who is this 49 year old person staring back at me? Suddenly I feel old. Then I wonder, have I accomplished what God had planned for me? Have I lived up to His expectations? There are so many times I feel like I am disappointing everyone, that I am not living up to anyones expectations. I feel like I am letting God down, my friends down, my family down. People expect more from me than I can accomplish and I feel like a failure. Then I remember the verse in the bible: Jeremiah 1:4-5 4Now the word of the LORD came to me saying,5"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, And before you were born I consecrated you; I am what God made me. He knows exactly who I am and what I was going to do. Yes I can improve myself, but I am not a failure, because I was planned by Him. So this morning, I found myself asking for forgiveness for doubting Him, for doubting His creation. God is good, we need to remember that whenever we doubt what we are. I pray you find peace within yourself today. I love you.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Stop the blame

How long are you going to blame yourself, or question what you should have done or why did you do that? How long are you going to let the wound fester? If one of your children does something wrong, you forgive them. If a friend hurts you, you hug them, you eventually laugh and it blows over. But when you do something wrong, how long do you think about it, and stress over it, and wonder what you could have done differently and should you do something about it now?
If someone comes to you, asking for your forgiveness for something they did against you, and you smile, and tell them of course you forgive them, that smile of pure relief on their face, that lightening in their heart, you see the weight come off their shoulders. You need to do that for yourself. Look in the mirror, look into your own eyes and tell yourself "I forgive me, " and mean it. Lift that load off your shoulders, remove the vises from around your heart, throw away the lead in your stomach. You are allowed to forgive yourself, you are allowed to feel good about yourself. God loves you. I love you.

What needs cleaning?

"Cleanliness is next to godliness" So how often do you frantically clean your home before your guests arrive, cleaning counters, vacuuming, throwing as much as can fit in closets, so friends don't see your mess? Yelling at the kids, telling them to clean their rooms, spraying the bathrooms so you don't smell the funky boy smell....oh, sorry, talking about my house. Don't you think we all do the same thing? We all try to impress our friends by our clean house, and our cooking skills and nicely behaved children....but you know what, i don't think "Cleanliness is next to godliness" means our home. I believe it means our lives with God. Are we coming clean with HIM? Are we being honest and up front with Him in our prayer life, in confessing our sins, in telling him what we want and what we think we need? God doesn't care if we have dust bunnies under our bed, he cares if we have dust bunnies on our prayers. He doesn't care of we haven't cleaned our dishes, He cares if we have cleaned ourselves from our sins. Stop caring about how spotless your house is, your friends are coming to see you! Start caring about how clean you are in your walk with your Heavenly Father. I love you.

That guilt feeling

Funny, isn't it? When you walk into a room and people stop talking...and you are convinced they were talking about you. Or someone posts something nasty on Facebook towards the world in general, and you are convinced it is directed at you. Or you call someone, and they don't pick up the phone, and you know it is because they don't want to talk to you. Or someone says "I need to talk to you." and you are convinced it is because you did something wrong? Or someone barely talks to you, and you are convinced it is because they really don't like you, or that you did something to offend them. 
That's me. I always have the feeling i have done something to offend someone, or that they are angry at me, or that they are avoiding me, because they really don't like me.
Sometimes, it occurs to me...hey, the world doesn't revolve around me. I am not so important that people are talking about me all the time. Or that someone doesn't come up and talk to me because..gee, they might be going through something stressful and are distracted. And that "Hey, i need to talk to you," just might be something good and they want to tell me all about it.
I sincerely stress myself out over what others may or may not think of me. How stupid is that? Should it bother me if someone thinks i don't fit their model of an ideal friend? Or that that my body isn't good enough for them? Or that they don't like my children? Or that ..or that....or that....or list can go on.
I am what God made me. I can improve myself, i can do things to make my life better, BUT it is NOT my job to make my life perfect for someone else. If someone doesn't like the way i laugh, or the type of books i read, or the way i look....oh well. Then that person is not meant to be my friend. 
And if people stop talking when i walk in the can be because "DANG I LOOK GOOD!" If someone doesn't answer the phone, it can be because they are working, or spending time with their kids, or lost their phone...all of which are the reason i don't answer the phone. 
If someone posts something angry on facebook, oh hey, they have over 800 friends...chances are, it isn't about me. 
I need to lighten up on myself. I need to stop feeling guilty, or bad, or ashamed or ...whatever. I am who i am. i like me. 
I love you.

Pass this on...

I just received yet another" pass this on for good luck,of you don't, bad luck will follow you. Wouldn't it be nice if it was that easy? To ensure a good day, forward a message to seven people...okay- Happy Time! Well, we all know those letters don't work, God, prayer and a little help from our friends, however, can turn a bad day to a very good day. On those days, and we have all had them, when it starts off bad and steadily gets worse...stop, pray, pray again, and then call a friend. Don't wallow in your misery, have a friend you can call on for a supportive word, a quick laugh, to plan a quick break. Don't let the misery take over, let God and a little help from your friends prevent a bad day from turning into a horrible day. And if you see someone having a bad day ~ a card, a hug, a cup of tea goes a long way. I love you.

I did it my way...

This morning, in my prayers, i was all over the board. I was unable to focus, i have friends who are struggling with a variety of issues and my prayers were full of thoughts and lifting prayers for them. I found myself thinking of all my blessings and then, of all things, i ended up painting my toe nails. I couldn't focus, i couldn't get my thoughts in order, so i just stopped, got out my nail polish and started putting on a lovely color and taking deep breaths. For each toe i polished, i prayed for someone. Since each toe needed several coats, i got through a lot of prayers. In the end, my prayers were done, and my toes looked great, and i was giggling like an idiot. No where does God say you have to kneel down to pray. No where does He say you have to fold your hands and close your eyes and be in a room of total silence. He knows you have a crazy life, he knows your life can get so insane that your prayers end up all over the board. He just wants to hear from you. I know people that pray in the car, that pray while doing their dishes, or fold their laundry. I happen to say my prayers while i was doing my toe nails. My mind was totally focused on God and my friends who are in need, for my friends who are in hospital, who are struggling in marriage, who are in the middle of looking for a job, who are trying to stay sane while raising their kids, who are sick, and are emotionally struggling. I did all my prayers, i prayed for you. And in case you are wondering, my nail color - Forbidden Fudge. I love you.


It's Monday! Time to start over, time to tackle that project that was overwhelming on Friday. A fresh start at school, at new beginning in the office, a new day in your home. Instead of dreading Monday, I put my feet on the ground with the knowledge that I can make a difference, and someone needs me to pray for them . while making lunches, I pray for friends who don't have enough to feed their babies. While I work, I pray for friends who are job hunting. While walking, I pray for friends who need healing. I pray for friends struggling in their marriage and raising kids while doing chores around the house. I thank God for all I have, and I know He hears all my prayers, including the ones for my own family. God loves you. I love you.

Dear The View....

Dear The View,

I will be honest, I didn't watch your show when you were talking about the Ms. America Ladies, I actually heard about it first here, on Facebook, and then on several television shows. 
I am sure you have been overwhelmed with angry responses, but i had to put in my 2 cents. 
Several years ago, i was driving with my oldest daughter, who was at that time 20 years old, and in the SUNY Buffalo Nursing Program after becoming an EMT in high school and discovering she was really good at helping people.  
We were on the lonliest highway in USA, going into Fernley, NV.   Right in front of, we saw a car driving on the wrong side of the wrong, then a horrible head-on collision, a van vs a passenger car.  Immediately, a man jumped out of the car and was yelling that it was the vans fault, he then ran into the sand, heading to a community  Without hesitation, my daughter ran to the van, and saw a man in serious condition.  She took charge.  She stabilized his neck, addressed the wounds on his head and face, braced his arms, which were clearly badly broken, took vitals and gave me and two others orders on what to do to help this man.  When the EMTS came 30 minutes later, she helped get him on the stretcher, gave them all the vitals and what she knew and helped them get in on the waiting helicopter. 
The next day, the Chief of the Fire Dept came to our home to personally thank her for saving the Soldiers life.  It turned out he was a pilot from the nearby Fallon Air Force Base.  He made it clear that it was her work taking care of that young soldier that kept him alive. 
Now, you might disagree, but i think anyone who can save someones life has an amazing talent.  And i have seen nurses do it time and time again, including my daughter, several very close friends, including a nurse/friend who dragged a doctor from his lunch in the ER when my baby was close to death with RSV, and relatives. 
They work 13 hour shifts without lunches or bathroom breaks.  They hold hands when someone is leaving this world, and do CPR when a patient crashes.  They can tell a doctor when a babies lungs are wheezing (with their OWN stethescope, which they pay for out of their own pocket).
I sincerely hope to hear an apology on your show.  I hope you truly see how ignorant your comments were.
Because, i guarantee you, you are going to be in need of a nurse one day, and they hold the needles...and decide where your thermometer needs to go. 
A very proud mom of a nurse,
Sharon Corner

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Going to school

Good morning friends. I pray you had a peaceful morning, many of us sent our children off to school today for another school year. It is always so amazing watching them walk to the bus, remembering the little child that once was, to the mortified tweeb who begs you not to take too many embarrassing pictures now. And while we wave and put them on the bus, i can't help but remember our Father who had to send His Son down, He didn't put His Son on the bus, He sent His Son to save us all. That sort of put everything in perspective. I pray for our kids, that they have a fun first day, they like their teachers and make new friends and have one really good belly laugh. I pray for you, that when they come home, they have fun stories to tell, and come home with a hug and a happy smile. I pray for our teachers, that they get through today without migraines, and without nasty phone calls. I pray for our Principals, who need all the prayers they can get. I love you.

Praying for you.

Good morning friends. Today, i found myself praying for friends who are missing someone dear. They may have passed on, or are simply far away and out of hugging distance. Facebook and cellphones make it easier to call and text and send messages and photos, but sometimes, you miss someone so much it is like a physical ache inside. A friend, or a family member, or someone who is as close as a sibling or parent. You just want to be sitting next to them on a couch and talking to them. I am praying for you. I am praying you find time to talk to them today, on the phone, on skype, or in your prayers. If that person has passed on, i pray you get some minutes to yourself to go to a quiet place just to have a conversation with them, talk to them, and then feel their presence. I pray you have a call or a card that lets you know someone special is thinking about you today.
I love you.

do what???

God has a plan....and i know there are days you wake up and think "LORD, what do You WANT FROM ME?" You are so tired, so worn out, so down and out. You justwant Him to reveal it NOW, so you can see that yes, you are going to get to the other side of this horrific dark, bleak, miserable tunnel you are in now. What have you done that HE thinks you can handle this? The only reason He knows you can handle this - is because you are sitting in the palm of His had, and He cradling you. You are not alone, not only is HE there, but He has sent us, your friends, to be with you. He wants you to ask for HELP, not only from HIM, but also from the people around you. Don't be ashamed, don't hesitate. Not only will Your Heavenly Father carry you through the dark times, but so will your friends. I love you.

Not the plan....

Yes, you made plans, and yes, you planned everything around those plans and now you are furious, because your plans aren't happening. You want to scream and yell and force everyone and everything to fit into your plans. Stop, it isn't happening. There is something else you need to be doing.....or not doing. Maybe you are supposed to be somewhere else and pass your smile along to someone who desperately needs to see it. Maybe there is someone who is going to call you and need your help, and had you done your plans, you wouldn't be there for them. Maybe it is time to just stop and rest. God knows you are pushing yourself too hard and if you keep going the way you are, you are going to physically or mentally harm yourself. Did you ever think it might be GOD changing your agenda, that HE is the one that rearranged your plans, because HE wants you to do something else? Ranting and raving won't change anything, so stop, pray, and accept. God loves you. I love you.


How long are you going to blame yourself, or question what you should have done or why did you do that? How long are you going to let the wound fester? If one of your children does something wrong, you forgive them. If a friend hurts you, you hug them, you eventually laugh and it blows over. But when you do something wrong, how long do you think about it, and stress over it, and wonder what you could have done differently and should you do something about it now?
If someone comes to you, asking for your forgiveness for something they did against you, and you smile, and tell them of course you forgive them, that smile of pure relief on their face, that lightening in their heart, you see the weight come off their shoulders. You need to do that for yourself. Look in the mirror, look into your own eyes and tell yourself "I forgive me, " and mean it. Lift that load off your shoulders, remove the vises from around your heart, throw away the lead in your stomach. You are allowed to forgive yourself, you are allowed to feel good about yourself. God loves you. I love you.