Normally i don't pay attention to my phone when it says i have a comment on facebook. All the sounds are turned off, so i usually don't even know when one is posted. However, today, i was sending a message to my son, when the message thingy light went on, so i just flipped over to it when i was done. And i was very glad i did.
I had posted a positive message about a police officer and learned quickly that someone i know doesn't have a nice word to say about the men in blue. She used language that shocked me and comments that saddened me. I quickly deleted her post, then sent her a message asking her not to post that sort of language on my comments, i have a lot of kids on my page. Her response was pretty much that cops....weren't her favorite people, and then she unfriended me.
Okay then.
Yes, there are has been a lot of negativity towards cops lately. Okay, more than a lot. Does that mean i should hate all cops?
There are good cops and there are bad cops. There are good sales people and there are bad sales people? Do i hate all sales people? There are good politicians and bad politicians - do i hate all politicians? There are good wedding planners and bad wedding planners, do i hate them all? Good & bad ministers, good and bad coaches, good and bad news reporters, good and bad teachers, good and bad beauticians...get my point?
I am thankful for the cops that risk their lives every day to look out for me and mine. Yes, i have met a few bad cops....i have had to deal with one first hand....but i know for every one bad, there are 500 good. 5000 good, 50,000 good.
Knowing that there is a cop in my sons school every day gives me a measure of security. Knowing that there is a cop driving around our community makes me think that the crazy speeders might be caught. Knowing a cop walks around in the mall gives me hope that thieves will be caught.
I know one or two cops personally. I know a several firefighters personally. I pray for them daily, that they have a safe day at work, that they come home to their families and pets in one piece. I pray for their families that worry about them all day long.
I was sad to read that cops in Baltimore are afraid to do their jobs right now. Not only sad for them, for sad for the city, which is now being held captive by people who vandalized and destroyed a section of the city because they could. No one will ever convince me that all those kids were out there because they cared about the shooting that took place...many saw a chance to destroy and did. Cops are being abused, bullied and unable to fight back.
I was also sad to see that someone felt so strongly against the Heroes in Blue that they unfriended me because i didn't share her opinion.
I will be praying for her. Part of me hopes she never has to call a cop - part of me hopes she does have to call one and gets to see how incredibly amazing they are in times of stress.
No man is perfect, therefore no cop is perfect. The USA employees over 1.1 millions people, there are bound to be some bad apples in there. But there are a lot more fantastic ones in bushel.
On average, one cop dies every 60 hours in the USA. They walk out the door every morning knowing there is a chance they might be among those fallen.
I love you.
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