Tuesday, March 24, 2015

what is left over?

It's amazing what can be made with junk.

Two weeks ago, i realized i had one too many left over balls of yarns.  My scraps were taking up more room than my actual skeins of yarn. so i decided it was time to do something about it.   

It was time to learn a new stitch, so i went on youtube and found a basket stitch, spent some time in prayer and decided it was time to make one of my own children a gift. 

So i just starting crocheting, no plan in mind, no color schemes, just knotting together yarn in threes and went to work.

Two weeks later, i had what i call my own personal picasso.   A thick, full of love afghan for Nate.  

In this blanket is left overs from hats, prayer shawls, ponchos, masks, scarves, purses, and whatever else i have made in the past 5 years. 

And while i made it, i got the opportunity to pray for my friends all over again.  Friends i haven't seen in years, one i haven't spoken to since i made her the shawl - we just drifted apart, but i got to pray for her again. 

One that was a wedding shawl, and she is now expecting a baby, so i got to pray for the baby, the marriage and the family. 

And it hit me, this was all left overs, not needed anymore, the skein had served its purpose, this was just what was left over, rolled into a ball, shoved in a plastic jar on top of shelves.  Not needed, just hanging around. 

But when i put them all together, they made a magical piece of love.

And i realized, that is a lot like my friends.  We were all just hanging around, looking for a place to belong. 

Some of us came together and made a beautiful prayer shawl ministry.

A couple of us needed to be closer to God and we formed a bible study.

A gang of kids needed to express themselves and learn about HIS love and we started Higher Power.

A friend reached out to us and led us to a church that brought my husband back to the ministry.

Odd colors, odd little leftovers that needed to be knotted together to make beautiful things.

Everyone around me, we have all had some yarn pulled from us - stress, age, children, jobs - life, has pulled the best part of us, like pulling yarn off a skein.  We have all given our best, and whatever is left over has been rolled into a protective ball.

But by bringing together was is left in each of us, we can all make something really beautiful.

I love you.

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