Thursday, August 27, 2020

Just a little dirt

Today i had the wonderful opportunity to see fields of flowers, so many colors, so incredibly breath taking.  Our beautiful grand daughter loved touching the flowers and watching the butterflies going from flower to flower.   I was taking pictures of all the beautiful flowers, of beautiful Skylar, the beauty all around me....and then suddenly i looked down and saw a flower that wasn’t was dirty, it was withered, it was close to the ground, probably stepped on a few times....but in the center...there was color, bright and beautiful orange....just barely peeping out, but there it was....and it reminded me of myself.  

I am not perfect, oh far from it.   I have been dirty, I have been stepped on, but wow, by the grace of God, i am still showing my pretty colors. 

No one is perfect, everyone has dirt on their petals, been stepped on a few times.  

But, we are loved, unconditionally, by our Father, by our Creator.   He doesn’t seen the dirt, he doesn’t seen the withered petals.  He sees the color in the center....our beauty.  

He loves us, and i love you.

Friday, August 14, 2020

The Joy of Writing....

 I used to take such joy in writing, after accepting Christ and starting Higher Power, i felt filled with HIM as i wrote. I will never forget the first time i was filled with the spirit, i wrote a full time skit for Higher Power and we used it line by line by was an amazing feeling. 

The past two years, life has been insane.  Marching Band, college choices, son looking to work, daughters having babies, taking over a crochet/knitting club, gosh, where did all the time go?  

Today Christine Calhoun asked “What Do You Wish You Had More Time To Do?” And i immediately wrote “write.”  I didn’t realize how much i missed writing until just that moment.....and not having a computer made it difficult....let’s face it, writing long paragraphs on an iPhone can get....tedious.   But, i have an iPad, along with a keypad (thanks handsome!) and Christine reminded me i used to have a

So first i had to find the blog.....yeah....that took some time, but i did find it and was amazed it has been two years since i wrote my thoughts, my prayers, my hopes and my fears.  

No, i don’t think my thoughts are mind blowing, life altering, but i have discovered that my friends appreciate me praying for them and when He gives me a word, it often affects several people.   There are times He puts a name on my heart, and i will reach out to that person.  Or He will give me a message to write down.

Not everyone believes as i do, several might call me a “Jesus Freak,” and i am okay with that.   Others may call me foolish, stupid, or out of my mind.  Others will say they know exactly what i am talking about...i am not trying to change anyone’s mind, or force people to think as i do.   My mind is crazy, i can’t imagine everyone thinking the way i would be a dangerous world.

But the world is a mess right now, and i spend a lot of time praying, a lot of time watching the news (yes, i watch CNN....and MSNBC....and FOX....I want to hear it all.   I want opinions and thoughts, because i believe that makes me a better person.  I won’t tell you who i am voting for, that is private....and i won’t ask you who you voted for.   Honestly, I don’t care.  

I won’t have you bashing my friends opinions either....i ended up ending a long time friendship after a person i thought as a friend bashed someone i had known since first grade and expected me to take their side since we had been friends for so long.   No, again, no bashing.  I am blessed to have friends with s many different opinions, and that makes me a better person.  It isn’t my job to ram my views down anyone’s throat and i won’t have anyone alienating my friends with insults and opinions. 

So yeah, there you have it....let the fun begin.   

Oh boy. 

Will that help?

 How is that going to change history?  That is the question i am posing to all the people joyfully tearing down statues of people who died long ago and were heroes of their is that going to change a damn thing to what happened to people that you never even knew?  Just, some one, explain this to me.  

Will it change anything?   Will it return the slaves to Africa?   Will it right a wrong?  

There is - no, sorry, there WAS a slave block in Fredericksburg, Virginia.   I took my kids there, and i told them everything i knew about what it represented.   We looked up information in the library.   My kids learned that people were treated like animals.   I explained that the block was there as a reminder to never let it happen again.  

I took my kids to the Holocaust Memorial in Miami.  There, they saw the horrific things done to Jews, and in fact, their family.  My daughters were part of helping gather the information needed to put my grandfather’s name on a wall there.  Yes, we went to the Holocaust Museum in DC.  We were there in 2018, the 75th anniversary of the murder of my grandfather and his family at Sobibor, and brought our close friends with us, to learn what had happened, to make sure it never happened again.  

I remember trying to teach my daughters about the “I Am A Man March” and the sanitation strike of 1968, and i couldn’t find anything about it in books at the library, so i started reaching out to MLK Jr museums across the country, only to discover that there were people WORKING at the museum didn’t even know what it was about.   What is it you ask?   Look it up, its tragic...and it’s the reason Martin Luther King, Jr was in Memphis when he got shot.  The reason i remember it so well, is because i was with my grandmother, watching news about it in Holland, and my Oma was crying.  I was 4 years old, and i had never seen her cry, and when i asked her why she was crying, she said “they promised it would never happen again.”   

“It” was the Holocaust, only i was too young to understand back then.   But i do know my grandmother made sure i treated everyone with respect and dignity.  No one deserved to be treated any differently for any reason.   I was taught to be grateful the garbage men came faithfully each week to pick up the garbage, and be thankful for the people who worked at any job, because could i imagine the world if that person wasn’t there?   If the trash men didn’t pick up the trash, if the bus driver didn’t drive me to my uncles house?  If the baker didn’t make the bread i so loved to have every morning?  

I got off track, I was talking about the Holocaust.   Do you know, when the Jews were liberated from the horrors they survived, they didn’t tear the walls down, they didn’t vandalize the towns nearby, they didn’t demand money that was taken from them......they got together and worked to keep the memories alive.  To honor their families by not letting history be forgotten.   No, you won’t see any statues of there are statues of Anne Frank, a girl who wrote a diary to teach us about survival.  Her father found it, the ONLY survivor from the attic, he found it and he had it published to teach us all.   

Steven Spielberg, the famous director of Jaws, ET, Schindlers List and other amazing movies, founded the USC Shoah Foundation.  He is interviewing survivors of the Holocaust, putting the horrors they witnessed on record, so we never forget what happened.  

Yet, we are now tearing down everything America stood for.   Everything.   Did anyone else stare in disbelief when they saw BLM all over the monument honoring the African Americans that fought in the Civil War?   REALLY?!?!?!?   Those men were so proud to fight, and the monument to them was spray painted?   I would love to talk to the people who did that and “Excuse me?  Do you even know what this represents?”

Taking down the statue of Christopher Columbus and changing the name of the cities named after him because he started the process of stealing land from the Indians?   Roughly 2.7 million Americans live in 54 counties, districts, cities, incorporated towns, boroughs, villages and census designated places named after Columbus.  

Where does it end?

Well, let’s think....Michelle Obama reminded us that she woke up every day for 8 years in a house built by slaves.   So, let’s start by tearing down the White House. 

And, yes, it is nice that the US Capitol now has a plaque to remind the world it was built by, let’s get rid of that while we are at it.

And the Smithsonian building, and that lovely old building on Wall Street, that needs to go....Trinity Church in NYC.....those slaves were rented out....but the owners got paid, not the TEAR IT DOWN!!!   Faneuil Hall in Boston...find a box of tnt. Oh, and while we are in Boston....see ya later Harvard, yes, you were built from slave labor.   And while we are discussing colleges, I do believe...yes, i do believe Georgetown and UNC need to go.   Monticello, Mountpelier, Mount Vernon...the list keeps growing. 

You know, while we are discussing slaves.....let’s not stop here.   Anyone want to join me on a trip to Egypt?   Yeah.....slavery....pyramids....they need to go.  Sorry, but we can’t just stop now...let’s be real.

I remember a sign in a history class “Those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”  We can’t change history.  We can’t right what was wrong 200 years ago...we can’t tear down and remove it from our history books.   Instead of destroying everything, correct it.   A statue of Lee, don’t destroy it, fix it.   If he had slaves, if he had illegitimate kids with slaves, put that on it....We can’t change what Lee, Stonewall, heck LINCOLN HAD SLAVES!!!!!  NOTHING, NOTHING will ever change that.  It’s not going to put those families back on a ship and home to Africa. It’s too late for’s not to late to stop the destruction of our history.   We may not like all that is there, but it is what made America today.  

Do you think MLKJr would support this?   The man that had such hopes for the Promise Land?  I was looking up articles about MLK and found Jacobin Magazine, never heard of it before this month...but it had an really good article. 

“When ruling elites call for peace, they are demanding docility. When they cynically cite decontextualized Martin Luther King Jr quotes and invoke the rights of “peaceful protesters” while denouncing actually existing protests, they announce that no effective protest will ever be peaceful enough to meet their approval. Ruling elites, pundits, and police use the rhetoric of nonviolence to discipline protesters and shift responsibility for state violence onto its victims.

We shouldn’t fall into their trap. There’s nothing peaceful about nonviolence if you’re doing it right.

Nonviolence is not about playing by the rules, working within existing institutions, or keeping protests unthreatening. Nonviolent direct action is direct action. It’s not saintly self-sacrifice or high-minded moralizing but a theory of power and a repertoire of tactics for using it. Effective nonviolence is about wielding collective action to disrupt the normal workings of society.”  Martin Luther King Jr knew that better than most.

It’s true that King thought nonviolent direct action, militantly pursued, was morally superior to rioting — but more important, he thought it represented a more promising path to directly confronting the American state. Nonviolence as he came to conceptualize it by the end of his life, was a means of channeling popular rage into a fighting force that could pose a more direct threat to the Johnson administration.  

 ( 6.10.2020)

The uprising that started with a man being murdered on the streets has now become....what.....?   George Floyd’s murder has now become a side’s no longer what’s now “well, see it started with...but then....”

Where does it end?   Can anyone tell me that?  Where does it end?

Or does it?