Hi God,
Normally i tweet messages to you, but today, the 144 characters won't do.
I have a lot of questions for you.
Let's first discuss the election...can it get anymore terrifying? People are arguing that their candidate is the best...and to be honest, i can't see any candidate making America great.
And about America....Lord, it's terrifying. Racial tensions, cop shootings and cops being attacked, mass shootings. You can't feel safe anymore, i get scared walking out the door, sending my husband and son to school is terrifying.
I can't think of anyone who isn't worried about their financial stability. If they're stable now, they still worry about what happens in their future, Everyone around me is just trying to pay bills. Jobs are scarce and those found are stressful and require long hours and stressful commutes. Many know their jobs are in jeopardy and are desperately trying to find another one.
I know so many that are struggling emotionally, and can barely get through the day. Kids are being bullied, kids are being abused, kids are being ignored. Adults are suffering from depression, and wondering why it's important they stay on earth.
Families dealing with the empty nest are wondering if their marriage is strong enough to survive with just the two of them.
Couples are done, and are looking to divorce.
One spouse is cheating, the other is trying desperately to save the marriage.
Kids are caught in the middle.
Lord, i spend so much time in prayer, so worried about my friends. I sometimes think You want to put cotton in Your ears because i talk too much.
I'm putting my stress in YOUR STRONG HANDS. I know YOU have a plan, YOU know what my prayers are.
Please help me with my health, my job, my security.
Help my kids stay safe and help my husband come home every night.
If my friends need help, please let me know and thank YOU for the friends that have been there for me in amazing ways.
You are my Father, my Savior, and i am putting my trust in You.